Invisalign Braces in Locust Valley Near Queens and Long Island, NY



Invisalign for Confidence, Aesthetics, and Health

Are you making a great first impression with your smile? If your teeth are misaligned, crooked, or gapped you may be self-conscious about your smile. It’s only natural — nearly everyone dreams about a perfect smile.

It’s time to stop dreaming. Make a beautiful and healthy smile a reality with clear braces at Locust Valley Dentists. Invisalign clear braces aren’t anything like the “metal-mouth” look of traditional braces. They’re very discreet and nearly invisible. They can be easily taken out to eat and brush, greatly reducing the risk of decay and cavities that is much higher with metal braces. There are no sharp wires or painful brackets to adjust, only a series of comfortable aligners custom made for a perfect fit.

invisalign clear braces at locust valley dentists new york

Ready to begin your journey to a healthy smile?

Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Although Invisalign is really helpful for many people, it’s not for everyone. The jawbone continues to grow and develop until kids are around 12 years old, so it’s not recommended for early teeth adjustment. It’s also not necessarily recommended if the required 22-hour wearing period can’t be enforced or guaranteed each day.

Finally, Invisalign can’t correct significant orthodontic conditions, such as narrow palates or severe underbite. However, it may be recommended for those who have previously undergone significant orthodontic treatment who need a slight correction due to something about their bite changing.

Still, there are many people with minor to moderate tooth alignment needs that can easily benefit from Invisalign’s convenient process.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign’s teeth aligners work with a series of trays that each have a slightly different shape than the previous ones, slowly pressing the teeth into the correct position over a period of six months or more. With high-precision technology, our Invisalign aligners can adjust the rotation, angle, and position of teeth using digital scans of your mouth and durable custom plastic aligner trays.

The Invisalign process begins with a consultation, then an appointment to scan your teeth and take impressions of your mouth to order your custom Invisalign trays. Once the trays arrive to our office, you’ll come in for a fitting to make sure everything looks right, then you’ll be released to go through the Invisalign process on your own. Depending on your personalized Invisalign plan, this process can take up to a year or as quickly as six months.

How to Wear Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners should be worn nearly all day, taken out only to eat, drink, or brush your teeth. Your aligner trays should be cleaned regularly with Invisalign’s own cleaning solution or a gentle DIY antibacterial solution.

You should brush your teeth and floss as normal while wearing Invisalign aligners, brushing twice a day, and flossing once. Keeping up with regular cleanings with us is also beneficial, as we’ll not only check your overall oral health but also ensure your Invisalign treatment is working well.

By taking good care of your Invisalign trays, you help ensure they are effective at transforming your smile without harming your oral health.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Like many personalized healthcare treatments, Invisalign costs vary from patient to patient. Factors that can influence the total price for Invisalign include whether and how much your dental insurance covers, the degree of adjustment needed, the length of treatment, whether you lose or require a replacement aligner, and other factors. The best way to find out how much you’ll end up paying out of pocket for Invisalign is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Koster, who can walk you through the best treatment plan for your misaligned teeth and make you aware of how much the treatment may cost.

What to Expect at Your Consultation


Begin with a consultation to learn more about Invisalign and other cosmetic treatments


Get fit for your custom-made Invisalign aligners


Follow-up appointments ensure your treatment is moving as expected


See an improvement in your smile in as little as 6 months

Invisalign FAQs

Are retainers included with Invisalign?

Its important to maintain your results from Invisalign with the use of a retainer after your treatment. These are often not included in the cost of Invisalign, and your dentist will make sure you know what costs to expect.

Can I drink coffee with Invisalign?

You can drink coffee and tea while using Invisalign, but you should make sure to take your trays out first to avoid staining.

Can Invisalign cause problems?

Without proper care, Invisalign can cause complications. Your dentist will explain the risks during your appointment.

Can you brush your Invisalign with toothpaste?

While toothpaste can help clean your trays, its important to be gentle and avoid scratching or dulling the surface. Use gentle brushing and make sure to clean them regularly.

Can you eat with Invisalign on?

No, you should take your Invisalign trays out to eat and drink, but put them back in as soon as you are done.

Can you tell if someone has Invisalign?

Most people do not realize someone is wearing Invisalign trays unless they are very close to the person.

Do you wear Invisalign when you sleep?

Yes, you should only take out the Invisalign aligners when eating or brushing your teeth.

Do your teeth move back after Invisalign?

If you have worn the trays correctly and followed your dentists instructions, your teeth should not move back after a full Invisalign treatment.

Does Invisalign cause headaches?

Its normal to experience headaches at the start of your treatment as you adjust to the shape of your trays. This can be treated with over-the-counter medications, usually during the first week.

Does Invisalign change your face shape?

Invisalign treatment can change your face shape, depending on the issues you are addressing by straightening your teeth.

Does Invisalign increase risk cavities?

Invisalign should not increase your risk of cavities so long as you are maintaining proper hygiene habits.

Does Invisalign turn teeth yellow?

Invisalign does not change the color of your teeth, and you can remove the aligners to brush and floss, preventing teeth from yellowing.

Does Invisalign weaken your teeth?

No, as long as you keep up with a healthy brushing and flossing routine and see your dentist regularly, your teeth will not be affected by the Invisalign process.

Does Invisalign whiten teeth?

Invisalign does not whiten the teeth.

Does Invisalign work on older people?

Invisalign is appropriate for adults at any age provided they do not have serious oral health issues.

How quickly do teeth move with Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment can be completed in as little as six months. Most patients will start to see changes as early as six weeks into their treatment.

How will I look with Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. Few people will notice that you look different with the aligners.

Is Invisalign a permanent fix?

Invisalign will permanently straighten the teeth. You should wear retainers as instructed following your treatment to maintain results.

What are the advantages of Invisalign?

Some advantages of Invisalign include more comfortable treatment, effective straightening of the teeth, and improved ability to maintain your oral hygiene habits.

What are the disadvantages of Invisalign?

Some disadvantages to Invisalign can include cost and commitment to a disciplined and somewhat time-consuming treatment. During a consultation, Dr. Koster can help you determine whether Invisalign is the best option for you.

What are the side effects of Invisalign?

The side effects of Invisalign are similar to the immediate side effects of wearing braces, including tooth soreness, discomfort with the aligners, and a feeling of fullness in the mouth.

Which is better braces or Invisalign?

Both traditional braces and Invisalign have pros and cons. People with more specific or severe tooth alignment issues may not be eligible for Invisalign. However, braces are more noticeable and cumbersome than Invisalign.

Invisalign vs. Braces

A major question on most patients’ minds when they find out they could benefit from some orthodontic treatment is whether they’ll be stuck with metal braces or if they can use the more conspicuous Invisalign process. There are both benefits and drawbacks to both treatments, and not everyone qualifies for Invisalign.

Braces have the benefit of being a robust, time-tested way to shift teeth dramatically for a better-aligned smile. Braces tend to be cheaper than Invisalign and are the preferred method for certain alignment issues. However, besides their aesthetic drawbacks, they are also harder to keep clean compared to Invisalign aligners and are often uncomfortable or painful after adjustment appointments.

Invisalign, on the other hand, won’t be noticeable to most people you interact with on a daily basis. The trays should not affect your speech too much and are easy to remove and clean. People with minor to moderate alignment concerns can benefit greatly from the way Invisalign achieves an ideal smile without causing an interruption of a person’s lifestyle.

Invisalign in Locust Valley

Get the best smile of your life without the hassle of traditional braces with Invisalign! Dr. Koster loves helping people in New York have a convenient way to improve their smile, and often by extent, their self-confidence. Learn more about Invisalign or get started on your personalized journey to a perfect smile by calling our office or contacting us online today.

Meet Dr. Koster

Through her work at prestigious Manhattan cosmetic practices, Dr. Adrianne Koster has seen how Invisalign can change a person’s smile and their life. She helps her patients use Invisalign clear braces to achieve outstanding results and smiles that are healthy and beautiful.

Dr. Koster has been named a “Top New York Dentist” every year since 2016 based on her:


  • Attention to detail and skill
  • Warm, caring, and attentive nature
  • Emphasis on her patients’ comfort
  • Ongoing study of the latest dental technologies
  • Growing passion for the field of cosmetic dentistry
dr koster clear braces dentist at locust valley dentists new york

If you’re nervous about visiting the dentist, don’t worry.
At Locust Valley Dentists, we are known for being gentle, warm, and friendly. This will be the most relaxing and comfortable dental experience of your life! To decrease anxiety during treatment we offer our patients:



Soothing music




  • Convenient office hours to fit the busiest schedules


  • There’s never any stress or judgment here


  • Our modern, calm, and relaxing office is one of a kind


  • Learn how clear braces improve your health, appearance, and life

No Insurance? No problem.

Even if you don’t have dental insurance, you can still get the picture-perfect smile you’ve always wanted! At Locust Valley Dentists, we work with our patients and offer a variety of financing options. Wondering how much Invisalign will cost? We’re here to answer all of your questions.

Insurance & Financing

For your Invisalign treatment, our office is able to work with many PPO insurances.

Our friendly front office team will help you file your claim and maximize your insurance benefits. If you don’t see your provider listed or if you have questions about payment options, contact our office to learn more.

clear braces with no insurance at locust valley dentists new york

The doctors and staff at this office are amazing! Some of the nicest people you can hope to meet, and the dental work that I received was phenomenal. The office is inviting, and the care that is taken to make sure things are done correctly is top tier. Great experience. "

- Roger V.

"Dr. Koster has done extensive dental work for me over the years. She is both kind and caring. She is thorough in her work and takes the time to explain in detail what she is doing. Her compassionate nature has a calming effect during her work. "

-Thomas H.

Both my daughter and I have been patients of Dr Koster's and we couldn't be happier. She has a gentle demeanor and is super thorough. She shows genuine concern for our teeth and gives us advice on what to keep doing/do more of to keep them healthy. Her office staff are really nice too. I am grateful to be in their good hands. "

- Dawn C. 

9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
8am - 6pm