When you think of a crown, your first thought might be a gold or silver sparkling tiara. Dental crowns might not sound as pretty, but they do create the appearance of beautiful teeth and greatly improve your oral health.
What is a Dental Crown?
Dental crowns protect and restore damaged teeth following treatment to fix the damage or decay. Although fillings are also used to fill in the holes left by cavities, these can sometimes fail or fall out; a dental crown will cover that hole with a durable cap cemented over the entire tooth. At Locust Valley Dentists, Dr. Koster offers gold crowns and more natural-looking porcelain crowns that will match the color of your teeth.
Getting a dental crown is a painless procedure. After a mold of your tooth is created, the information will be sent to a dental lab and your crown will return within 2-3 weeks. You can then return to have the crown fitted and Dr. Koster can alter and adjust the size and placement of the dental crown until you are satisfied.
Benefits of a Dental Crown
Dental crowns are a permanent solution to protect and restore teeth. Although dental crowns are often done for restorative purposes, they are cosmetically appealing because they can enhance the appearance of damaged or misshapen teeth.
Strengthen Teeth
Dental crowns are often placed on the teeth after a root canal treatment, or removal of a cavity, to protect and reinforce the treated tooth. Placing a protective covering over the tooth reinforces it because the crown will hold the tooth together and in place if it has been weakened. By sealing the healthy tissue away, further decay is also prevented.
Improve Appearance
A dental crown acts as a permanent cover to hide chipped or cracked teeth, creating a beautiful smile. They can also be used simply for aesthetic purposes, such as covering a mishappen or small tooth for a more symmetrical smile. These crowns are custom-made from many different materials, including porcelain, so that they will feel and look as natural as your real teeth.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are looking to cover a damaged or decaying tooth, a dental crown is a great option. Dr. Adrianne Koster is an experienced dentist who specializes in restorative dentistry as well as cosmetic and general dentistry. She can help you regain confidence with your smile and prevent further tooth decay. Schedule a consultation online or call the office at 516-759-2288 to learn more about your options to restore and strengthen your beautiful smile.
Her colleagues describe her as a perfectionist with an unparalleled eye for detail. Her patients describe her as warm, caring, and attentive. It’s always Dr. Koster’s goal to provide outstanding treatment for her patients as well as to educate them on their own dental health while exploring all treatment options.